
Friday, 26 June 2015

Procedural Writing:

Walt: write a procedure for making………….

Success Criteria: use a verb to begin every  step in the method.

Today we made milo balls first we crushed I packet of biscuits then we poured it into a bowl
and after we poured the biscuits into the bowl. Then we add 4 tbsp of milo into the biscuits then we put in the caramel topping into the bowl. 1 can of caramel topping and 1 cup of coconut.

4 tbsp of milo
1 can of caramel topping
1 cup of coconut
Arrowroot Biscuits


  1. Crushed the arrowroot biscuits
  2. 4 tbsp of milo
  3. poured 1 can of caramel
  4. mixed
  5. rolled the milo balls
  6. put in coconut
  7. put in fridge

Thursday, 25 June 2015


Maia didn't like her poi because it was broken. She tried to fix it but she wrecked it. Maia`s teacher told her to go to the Principal`s office. Then the Principal talked to her about making the right or wrong choices.  After that he sent her to the art teacher so that they could make another poi. She enjoyed making pois with her art teacher. The next day she helped her art teacher make 65 pois for the kapa haka group. Maia didn't want to go on stage to perform but after the performance her teacher said to her to go and accept their prize. The prize was for having the best pois.
In this picture  Maia is receiving the prize that is given to them for having the best pois and  Maia is having a hongi with the man. The kapa haka group is standing behind them wearing their costumes and they are holding the pois that Maia and her art teacher made. They made the pois out of blue and red grocery bags.

In  the beginning  Maia made a bad choice to wreck the pois that her art teacher made for her. After the Principal talked to her about making the wrong choice she thought about it and she was pleased about making pois for the kapa haka group.

It`s up to you  to decide what choices to make. It's usually better to make the right choices so you don`t get into trouble.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Basic Facts 2015

Screenshot 2015-06-24 at 9.53.30 AM.png

This is a screenshot of a basic facts.The basic facts that I did was hard and easy.The stage I did was stage 5 in this basic facts test I got 43/60.To do the basic facts online you need to use your times,Addition, subtractions, multiplication and divisions.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

I opened the door.

I opened the door:

When I opened the door and saw scratchers on the walls and the windows and I got scared because there was scratchers from something. When I walked into the rooms  there was blood everywhere on the walls and the doors.

The man went to look the windows and the doors the only door he forgot about was the back door.

When the man went to look for his family  he went to check at the shopping more and he could not find them and he went back home. When he got back home he went inside and looked again and when he went into one of the rooms he saw something in the wardrobe then that thing he saw  was a beast the beast chased him down the stairs and out the door.

When the scary beast stopped chasing him he went back inside. To check where it went when he went to check at the back door he saw the beast that was chasing him standing at the back door. The man slowly walked back into the cityroom and hide under the table.

I hope if the man got away or if the beast did something to him.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


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The above people are celebrating a birthday today.

Donald Duck  is 81.
DONALD DUCK was created by Walt Disney.
HIS MIDDLE NAME is Fauntleroy.

Koliata is 13.
Koliata is in my class.

Mary is our office lady.

I wish all of youse a big happy birthday.

Friday, 5 June 2015

World Environment day

WALT:World Environment Day and trying to save the planet.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Going to Samoa

Walt:Write a narrative .

The ocean is wide. The journey is a long time. I migrate among strangers. It  is July 28 1914. The sea is rough and our boat gets tossed in the waves. Some of the passengers get thrown around the big boat. Some people feel sick and scared and there is an old lady that helps them.

The weather is wild and stormy and we get wet and  cold because there is no shelter. Some people get angry and they just want to go back home to their families.

We are squashed together so we have to share rooms and tables where we eat.
The food that we're given is old and it is in cans. Some people don't like it because it is   yucky. It makes them sick and they vomit.One old man died from starvation because he was so hungry.

During the day we play card games, chess and darts. Sometimes we feel happy but often we get bored. So we start fighting but we know that we have to try to get along together and be friends. On the boat I  have made two new friends.They are boys but one is the same age as me and the other is older. He helped us when we were fishing. We caught some fish but one day we saw a shark and a whale.